Monday, December 28, 2015

[15.12.28] [GlanceTV] The Story of the Band that Started Anew, RP!


RP: Hello GlanceTV viewers, we are R! P! We’ve come back with the album, 3. Point. 3. It’s nice to meet you.
EXSY: The Run Away MV... Well, the song itself kind of holds the meaning of wanting to run away from the difficulties of reality. The MV symbolizes our own true experiences that we’ve overcome. If see the symbolism while watching our MV, I think it will be very interesting.

Moon: I think the highlight of the MV was the breakdown in the middle. The highlight comes after the second refrain... At that point we start headbanging and it’s a catharsis of all our energy. I think it’s the best part when we’re perform it, or when you listen to the song, or watch the MV.

James: I personally really like the part during EXSY’s break, when he throws the drumstick, and it’s captured in slow-motion... Wow. It was amazing.

James: I wish all the fans a lot of fortune for the new year in 2016. The most important thing this (coming) year is “health” so I hope you can all pass the time with us healthily!

Moon: I hope you are all healthy next year and are blessed with only good things. In the meantime, I'll be really thankful if you can listen to RP’s songs a lot. Have a happy new year!

EXSY: I hope we can enjoy 2016 together. Thank you.

Moon: This has been... RP. Thank you.