Monday, August 28, 2017

[17.08.28] RP Q&A - July

Q. akkujon - Please tell us something about each other that you like or something you would like to fix!
A. Moon - What I like about Sooyoon is that he is the opposite of me. If I like to improvise, then Sooyoon is the type to have a system. While doing something, we can take advantage of each other’s strengths and also compensate for our disadvantages. I’d like to fix the fact that he drinks alcohol way too fast. lol.
A. Syoon - Things I like about Moon: He’s interesting; Things I’d like to fix about Moon: Nothing in particular

Q. ladymaru - Are you more the indoor or outdoor type?
A. Moon - I’m an indoor type! However, there are times I go out about once a week to play around, and times where I can stay in my house all week. I like taking my dog out for walks!

Q. mohakumi - Have you ever worked part-time? For example, like an English-language teacher?
A. Syoon - I’ve worked as a waiter at a sushi shop, as well as at a bar. I also worked part-time giving drum lessons! I want to try teaching English...

Please have a great day today as well