Wednesday, August 31, 2016

[16.08.31 - AMEBLO] RP Q&A - AUGUST

RP’s Q&A! (x)
This is a great project in which your questions can be answered by RP!
The answers to questions from August have arrived☆

In this corner, anyone can ask a question as long as you are an FC member! If you haven’t asked your question yet, please check out the Royal Pirates Japan Official Fanclub Site ♥

Then, let’s start revealing the answers!

Q. mariko - Is there anything you have to bring with you when going abroad? Anything for convenience? Please tell me☝️
A. EXSY: Sunglasses & Face Mask!

Q. ladymayu - What do you want to eat in the summer?
A. EXSY: Zaru Soba (Cold Soba Noodles w/ dipping sauce), Mizu Reimen (Japanese style Mul Naengmyeon (Noodles with Cold Broth))

Q. natsuyun - It’s been a long time since you’ve been in LA, so what is the first thing you want to do, and the first place you want to go?
A. James: I definitely want to try Stout Burger in LA! Also.. I really want to see my old band members, but I haven’t gotten to meet them yet… LA is really great! I’m really happy to meet up with my family!

Q. natsurobin - Is there something that surprised you when you came to Japan?
A. James: What surprised me on my most recent visit was how comfortable I felt being there. So saying, I’ve found myself wanting to stay in Japan for longer.

Q. mohakumi - Hello. The Olympics will be starting so (my question is) do you play any sports? For example, if you played soccer, what position would you be?
A. Moon: I’m a striker!

Q. rai - Please tell me a recommended song, or you favorite song to listen to in the summer season~
A. Moon: 나얼 (Naul) - 바람기억 (Memory Of The Wind)

Q. ribbon - A question for the three of you! Is there something you like that is always stocked in the fridge?
A. Moon: Beer
James: There’s always coffee, chocolate, milk, and orange juice in the fridge.
EXSY: Coconut water, tumeric, and beer

Q. yontsuyoon - A question for the three of you! Of Japanese ramen, which is your favorite? 1. Tonkatsu 2. Shoyu 3. Miso 4. Wafu
A. Moon: Tonkatsu!
James: Tonkatsu!
EXSY: Spicy Ramen!

We look forward to having lots of questions in October♪