Tuesday, May 31, 2016

[16.05.31] James' IG Post


[16.05.31] 내가 어렸을때 베이시스트를 하고 싶다고 깨닫게 되었다. 많은 고민을하고 안정적인 일도 포기하고 꿈을 이루기 위해 한국으로 왔다. 음악을 너무 사랑해서 여기까지 왔고 매일매일 연습했는데, 약 1년전에 말도 안되는 사고가 났다. 근데 지금까지도 그 이태원 식당이 보상을 제대로 안해주려고 하는데 진짜 어이가 없다. 내가 무슨 잘못이라도 했나? 밥 먹으려고 들어갔는데. 이제 내가 사랑하는 일도 못하고 내가 평생 즐기던 취미인 격투기와 농구, 모두 포기해야되는데.

1년 전, 1년 후 내 모습이 걱정없을것이라 생각하며 믿고 열심히 재활했다. 근데 아직도 싸우고 있네. 수술은 또 해야하고 더 해야한다. 매일 다른 고통때문에 아프고 힘든데. 정작 너희들은 잘 지내지? 나는 끝까지 싸운다.

I will not quit. #tenacity #fight #glorytogod 

VID: It felt like a part of me died when I was hearing these things from different doctors like “You’re never going to be able to play guitar again”,”You’re never going to do certain…” like, “you can’t even work out with your full strength as before.” That was really frustrating… because if you know me, I love MMA, I love 격투기, and I love guitar. I love playing guitar, I love music. Just the fact that it’s been taken away from me- I just felt like I got robbed.

POST: When I was young I realized I wanted to play the bass. After much thought I left my stable job and came to Korea to accomplish that dream. I have loved music so much and gotten this far with it- practiced every day, and a year ago an unthinkable accident occurred. To this day that restaurant in Itaewon still will not give me compensation for damages and that just makes no sense to me. Did I do something wrong? I went in to eat. Now I can’t even do the things I love, and all the hobbies I always enjoyed like MMA and basketball- I had to give it all up.

One year ago, I believed everything would be okay one year later if I kept thinking it would be, and I did my best to recover. But I’m still fighting. Surgery after surgery. Every day there’s a different pain that makes me hurt. Are you all getting by? I’m going to fight until the end.

I will not quit.